Thanks Santa for all my radio related prezzies.
All ready for the next /p outing.
A 20m/40m linked dipole from sotabeams
Stand for my FT817ND also from sotabeams
Usually propped up on an old cassette tape.
Nothing much radio related happening at the moment but some interesting articles in the January edition of Practical Wireless has inspired me to try some new things in 2014.
Possibly some data modes and must try harder with the satellites.
All ready for the next /p outing.
A 20m/40m linked dipole from sotabeams
Stand for my FT817ND also from sotabeams
Usually propped up on an old cassette tape.
Nothing much radio related happening at the moment but some interesting articles in the January edition of Practical Wireless has inspired me to try some new things in 2014.
Possibly some data modes and must try harder with the satellites.